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Physical Education


The West Ham United Foundation are running a virtual sports day on Friday 26th June!

All activities will be released from 11am on their Foundation YouTube Channel


They are also releasing daily cross-curricular activities in the run up to this event so check out the above links each day for more fun and games!

With parental consent, they would like to see any pictures or videos of children taking part in the countdown activities and/or the Claret and Blue Sports Day itself. Please ensure you tag them in on any posts @WHUFoundation and use the #HammersSportsDay


Hope you enjoy the activities.


To celebrate National School Sport Week at Home, we’re inviting all primary age children, parents and carers across the country to get moving with Bee Netball through a live online session - 'Bee Together'.


From fun warm up games to exciting skill challenges, our team of expert England Netball coaches will be on hand to deliver the ultimate family friendly Bee Netball experience!

All you have to do is click on the button below to register for one of the free online events on Monday 22 June at 10.30am, 12.30pm or 2.30pm. Places are limited, so hurry.


 London Youth Virtual Games

The first Challenge Video for Week 2 will be released on the London Youth Games website and social media channels on Monday 15th June at 9:00am. Here are links to download the Challenge Sheets, which include coaching tips and suggested adaptations for space, equipment, and ability.


Monday 15th June : Crossover Dribble Basketball Challenge

Tuesday 16th June : Sit Out Judo Challenge

Wednesday 17th June : Kick Up Football Challenge


You can download the Week 2 Multi-Entry Scorecard here to record your students’ scores. Once complete, please send back to by 12:00pm Friday 19th June

 London Youth Virtual Games

Premier Education 'STAY ACTIVE' Home Learning

 London Youth Virtual Games

The London Youth Virtual Games are nearly here and we want to share with you the Challenge Information for Week 1 to help get as many young Londoners as possible from your school involved!


The first Challenge Video will be released on the London Youth Games website and social media channels on Monday 8th June at 9:00am. Here are links to download the Challenge Sheets, which include coaching tips and suggested adaptations for space, equipment, and ability.


Monday 8th June : 5 Shot Netball Challenge

Tuesday 9th June : 60 Second Burpee Challenge

Wednesday 10th June : Bottle Cap Badminton Challenge


You can download the Multi-Entry Scorecard here to record your scores. Once complete, please send back to Ms Ellis on who will collate all of Glade's scores and send on to LYG - DO NOT send your scorecard on to them yourself!


LYG want to see your challenge attempts. Share videos on social media using #ThisIsLYG for a chance to win their weekly MVP award. Each week a MVP will be selected based on the ability, creativity and style shown in their video and they will receive a brand new pair of Nike trainers. Children must have parental permission before sharing any content on social media.



Please use the tabs above to select your year group and download resources for home learning. You will also have access to the class E-Mail address for you to upload your work to.



The Tokyo 2020 Games might not be happening this year but we want to continue supporting schools and families during this difficult time. We have developed a home learning pack which contains a range of free activities, challenges and resources that can help support learning at home and keep everyone busy and entertained.


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Premier League Primary Stars Challenges

Zumba Stars London (who have previously provided Zumba workshops to Glade) are delighted to report that they are offering a variety of online classes to adults, children and families as of Saturday 11th April.

Because of the challenging economic situation and the fact that they are still getting used to new technology, they are not charging for their online classes at present but are asking participants who are able to if they can please make a ‘pay what you can’ donation so that they can at least cover their costs for running the sessions. Details of how to make a donation will be sent to you upon booking.

Please head to their website

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There are MANY videos online to keep you and your families physically and mentally healthy in different ways  - try a new one each day!  Remember to take part in both aerobic activities and those that increase your strength and flexibility.  For your mental health, try yoga and meditation.

NHS Activity Ideas 


NHS 10 minute Shake Ups - Disney Pixar 


British Heart Foundation - physical activities to do at home -


Squat Challenge 


Solve, Shoot and Score!

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