Joining Mrs Hussain for Afternoon Tea on 11th October were:
Olivia 1M, Aiden 2R
Elizabeth 3R, Harsha 4A
Jaiden 4M, Eva 6E
It was encouraging to see children proudly sharing their work with everyone at the tea. Jaiden said he wants to become a Head teacher when he grows up (so, watch this space!)
Topic Webs
School Office: 020 8708 0200 - Office Email:
Home Learning Links
Online Safety
If your child is learning from home he/she may be spending more time than usual online. Please be vigilant of any unusual activities. Please visit our E-Safety page and the following websites for advice and guidance.
“We all have moments feeling blue” We all have a lot of situations to manage in our lives, as well as understanding and managing the sometimes complex emotions that those situations create, and children are no different. Although this song can be applied to many situations it was written in response to the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 which turned many of our lives upside-down with lockdowns, restrictions and bereavements. This was undoubtedly a difficult experience for adults and children alike. This song encourages us to recognise and accept how we are feeling and acknowledges the importance of sharing our feelings, whether they are good or bad, with someone we know and trust; “It’s OK if you’re not feeling OK”.
Virtual School Library
Free reading and writing activities from your favourite children's authors from the National Literacy Trust.
All children have been allocated a username and password for ''
All children have been allocated a username and password for ''
English, Maths, Science, French, Computing
All children have been allocated a username and password for ''
All children have been allocated a username and password for ''
IXL Resources - Maths and English learning -
TTS Resources - Maths and English learning -
French - BBC Bitesize -