Joining Mrs Hussain for Afternoon Tea on 11th October were:
Olivia 1M, Aiden 2R
Elizabeth 3R, Harsha 4A
Jaiden 4M, Eva 6E
It was encouraging to see children proudly sharing their work with everyone at the tea. Jaiden said he wants to become a Head teacher when he grows up (so, watch this space!)
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Glade Primary School Values and Ethos
We are committed to developing values, attitudes, and life skills that result in the children becoming empathetic global citizens. This is very much encompassed in our school motto:
“Growing, Learning and Achieving with Dedication and Enthusiasm”
As a Rights Respecting School, we put the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of everything we do. Our ‘Rights Respecting Gold Award’ celebrates that we fully embed the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into our ethos, culture and curriculum. Our pupils are encouraged to think independently and challenge information and news around them- evaluating what is accurate and what is 'fake news'.
Diversity and inclusion threads through all areas of our curriculum. It is important that our children are represented in books, poetry, authors and artists that they study. This contributes to well-being which is one of our core curriculum drivers and further supports our pledge towards our 'Anti-racist Award'. Our ‘Well-being Award for Schools’ is evidence that mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of our school life at Glade.
Our aims are:
To encourage and enable the highest standards of teaching, learning, personal development and behaviour so that all can enjoy and achieve.
To promote learning beyond the classroom, fostering a culture of lifelong curiosity, exploration, and real-world application of knowledge.
To offer all members of our community the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the development of the school.
To inspire positive attitudes so that all members of our school community can be healthy and safe.
To nurture the skills and talents of the school and local community in order to achieve economic well-being.
To acknowledge and value equally all cultures, faiths, languages and experiences.
To endorse these aims in our day-to-day practice