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On Wednesday 22nd January, the School Councillors met with Mrs Hussain, Mrs Rose, the school cook, Area Manager and Food Ambassador from ISS (our catering company) to explore their thoughts about school meals. During the meeting, an over-whelming number of pupils shared what they enjoy about their school meals and what food they look forward to. We then encouraged the children to think of ways their lunch time experience can be improved. It was a very productive meeting as children learnt about the nutritional content of their food they eat and what is allowed to be part of school meals and what 



is not allowed. The team at ISS have taken back the feedback from children and will continue to work with us.


The team also met with two parent representatives and have suggested a food tasting session, where parents can come in and try a sample of the food available on our school menu. Watch this space for future updates on dates!

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