Joining Mrs Hussain for Afternoon Tea on 11th October were:
Olivia 1M, Aiden 2R
Elizabeth 3R, Harsha 4A
Jaiden 4M, Eva 6E
It was encouraging to see children proudly sharing their work with everyone at the tea. Jaiden said he wants to become a Head teacher when he grows up (so, watch this space!)
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Year 6
We will embark on our journey in Year 6 by exploring the Caribbean, inspired by reading ‘Tales from the Caribbean’ by Trish Cooke. This is a cross-curricular unit as we learn about the food, music and dance styles of this part of the world as well as the geography, history and culture of each of the islands. Our main History focus throughout the Autumn term is World War 1. This will include analysing primary and secondary sources to find out about the lives of soldiers in the trenches and exploring different maps to see what Europe and the British Empire looked like during this period. We then move onto exploring social change through the campaigns of the suffragettes and discover how important equality and diversity is to everyday life. This also links in with our RE topic, where we study the teachings of Sikhism and its gurus, accompanied by a visit to a gurdwara. We learn about the importance of valuing and managing relationships. In Art, we learn about proportion when sketching human figures and create ourselves in the style of Lubaina Himid’s figures. As part of our 'Learning Outside the Classroom' project, we partake in a poetry project, in our very own Glade forest, where we allow nature to inspire us into writing poetry that reflects our true emotions and feelings.
Long Term Planning :-