Alăturarea doamnei Hussain pentru ceaiul de după-amiază pe 11 octombrie a fost:
Olivia 1M, Aiden 2R
Elizabeth 3R, Harsha 4A
Jaiden 4M, Eva 6E
A fost încurajator să vezi copiii împărtășind cu mândrie munca lor cu toată lumea la ceai. Jaiden a spus că vrea să devină profesor șef când va crește (deci, urmăriți acest spațiu!)
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The emotional health and well-being of all members of Glade Primary School is fundamental to our philosophy and aims. We believe that emotional health is closely linked to mental health and that as a school we can encourage positive development of mental health in childhood. Children who are mentally healthy will be better able to achieve progress and enjoy their time at school.
At Glade Primary School, we aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing so that they are secure, confident and well-motivated. We work to build self-esteem and the ability to listen, empathise and respect each other’s point of view in order to enable our children to become successful, independent, responsible citizens.
Our aim is to ensure that all stakeholders are able to maintain positive well-being and mental health for the best possible outcomes in life, no matter what their circumstances are.