11 اکتوبر کو دوپہر چائے کے لئے مسز حسین میں شامل ہونا تھا:
اولیویا 1 ایم ، ایڈن 2 آر
الزبتھ 3 آر ، ہرشا 4 اے
جیدن 4 ایم ، ایوا 6 ای
چائے پر بچوں کو فخر کے ساتھ ہر ایک کے ساتھ اپنے کام کا اشتراک کرتے ہوئے دیکھ کر یہ حوصلہ افزا تھا۔ جیدن نے کہا کہ وہ بڑے ہونے پر ہیڈ ٹیچر بننا چاہتا ہے (تو ، اس جگہ کو دیکھو!)
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اسکول آفس: 020 8708 0200 - آفس ای میل: Parentinfo@glade.redbridge.sch.uk
Dear Parents,
We still have places available in our 2023—2024 Nursery!
Please fill in and return the form to parentinfo@glade.redbridge.sch.uk to confirm your child’s place and read on for more information.
We will be offering 3 types of sessions.
· Monday—Friday AM Session 08:45am—11:45am (15 hours Total)
· Monday—Friday PM Session 12:30pm—03:30pm (15 hours Total)
· Monday—Friday Full Day Session 08:45am—03:30pm (30 Hours Total)
AM or PM Session
All children over the age of three are entitled to 15 hours’ Universal free childcare, so if you choose either an AM or PM session there will be no charge.
Full Day Session
If you would like to book your child in for a full day you may be eligible to 30 hours’ free childcare. Further details can be found using the link below including how parents apply and when they need to apply.
If you are not eligible but would still like your child to attend the full day sessions there will be a £20 daily charge, not including lunch club.
Please be aware that if you are not eligible for 30 hours’ free childcare but have still booked your child in for the full day sessions, you will still be charged for sessions your child does not attend, even if they are off due to sickness.
There are two options for the lunch period between the AM and PM sessions.
· Option 1—Your child stays during lunchtime, this will be £5 daily and you must provide your child with a packed lunch
· Option 2—You pick your child up from Nursery at 11:45am and drop them off again at 12:30am, in which case there will be no charge.
Please be aware that once you have chosen option 1 you will be charged regardless of whether you decide to pick your child up for lunch. You can change your options every half term.
We look forward to meeting you and your child soon!
Kind regards
Ms Sohail
Admissions Officer