Alăturarea doamnei Hussain pentru ceaiul de după-amiază pe 11 octombrie a fost:
Olivia 1M, Aiden 2R
Elizabeth 3R, Harsha 4A
Jaiden 4M, Eva 6E
A fost încurajator să vezi copiii împărtășind cu mândrie munca lor cu toată lumea la ceai. Jaiden a spus că vrea să devină profesor șef când va crește (deci, urmăriți acest spațiu!)
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The Hope
You are the light, You are the star,
You are the dream of all we know we can be
You are enough
You are the hope that we need X 2
Brave one, taking steps towards a brighter day
Kind hearts, open arms for you along the way
You’ve come this far
step by step you lead the way
We know you’re tired
so rest now, Cause tomorrow’s another day
strong one, you are wise beyond your tender years
Soon done, you are more than over half the way
You’ve come this far
step by step you lead the way
We know you’re tired
so rest now, Cause tomorrow’s another day
V3 Strong one, you are wise beyond your tender years
Soon done, you are more than over half the way
You are the hope we need